A cracked tooth can not only be a health risk, but it also reduces the strength of your tooth. When a cracked tooth is left untreated, it can develop into a more serious problem. Plaque and tartar can move into the cracks progressing into tooth decay and possible infection. These conditions can move beyond the teeth into your gums and bone.
On its own, a cracked tooth is a quicker and easier fix than the problems that could develop from leaving it untreated. That’s why it’s best to treat conditions as soon as you or your dentist notices it.
Advances in general dentistry have created more options for repairing a cracked tooth. Our techniques at Sunset Endodontics allow us to blend the color of the fixed tooth with your natural teeth for a seamless appearance.
If you have a cracked tooth, we recommend scheduling a comprehensive exam to determine the level of damage and best treatment option.
For more information on cracked teeth and how to repair them, contact our office today at (702) 436-4300.